Research Papers

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Business and negotiations

Movius, H. and Wilson, T. D. (2011).  How we feel about the deal. Negotiation Journal, April 2011, 241-250.

Movius, H.  (2008).  The effectiveness of negotiation training.  Negotiation Journal, October, 509-531.

Fairman, D., Field, P, and Movius, H. (2007).  The Negotiator’s Fieldbook:  the virtues and limits of a kaleidoscope.  Negotiation Journal, July343-354.

Movius, H., Matsuura, M., Yan, J., and Kim, D-Y. (2006).  Tailoring the mutual gains approach to negotiation for counterparts in Japan, China, and Korea.  Negotiation Journal, 22, 389-435.

Negotiation and Leadership

Kinnaird, T. and Movius, H. (2008). Avoiding the three deadly sins. CPO Agenda, Autumn, 49-55.

Movius, H.  (2008).  When tough talk is beside the point. Negotiation Newsletter, June, 2008. Cambridge , MA:  Harvard-MIT Program on Negotiation.

Movius, H. and Maxfield, A. (2008).  A unified policy for negotiations.  Inside Supply Management,June 2008.

Movius, H. (2007).  When individual bargaining skills are not enough.  Negotiation Newsletter,March, 2007. Cambridge , MA:  Harvard-MIT Program on Negotiation.

Negotiation and Conflict Management

Movius, H. and Wilson, T. D. (2011).  How we feel about the deal. Negotiation Journal, April 2011, 241-250.

Movius, H. and Susskind, L.E. (2009) Built to Win: Creating A World Class Negotiating Organization.  Cambridge:  Harvard Business Press.

Movius, H.  (2008).  The effectiveness of negotiation training.  Negotiation Journal, October, 509-531.

Lee, A. W. with Feng V. and Zhu J. (2014) ‘The People’s Republic of China’ in ‘The Variegated Landscape of Mediation: A comparative study of mediation regulation and practices in Europe and the World’ (Eleven International Publishing 2014), edited by M. Schonewille and F. Schonewille.

Kinnaird, T. and Movius, H. (2008). Avoiding the three deadly sins. CPO Agenda, Autumn, 49-55.

Movius, H.  (2008).  When tough talk is beside the point. Negotiation Newsletter, June, 2008. Cambridge, MA:  Harvard-MIT Program on Negotiation.

Fairman, D., Chigas, D., McClintock, E., Drager, N. (2012).  Negotiating Public Health in a Globalized World  Springer.

‘Educating Negotiators for a Connected World: Volume 4 in the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Series’(DRI Press 2013), edited by C. Honeyman, J. Coben, and A. W. Lee.

Cecchi Dimeglio P. “Designing Tailored Conflict Management Systems in Asia”, TDM Journal (Transnational Dispute Management), 5 (8) TDM Special Issue: International Business Dispute Resolution and ADR in Asia-, 2011, p.1-16

Lee, A. W. (2010) Ancient wisdom for the modern negotiator: What Chinese characters have to offer negotiation pedagogy. In Venturing beyond the classroom: Volume 2 in the rethinking negotiation teaching series, edited by C. Honeyman, J. Coben, and G. De Palo. St. Paul, MN: DRI Press.

Cecchi Dimeglio P. “The Role of lawyer in Designing Conflict Management”, Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Special Workshops publication, 2011, p.222-240

Graham, J., & Haidt, J. (2011). Sacred values and evil adversaries: A Moral Foundations approach. In P. Shaver & M. Mikulincer (Eds.), The Social Psychology of Morality: Exploring the Causes of Good and Evil. New York: APA Books.

Andrew Wei-Min Lee (2009) Tibet and the Media: Perspectives from Beijing, 93 Marq. L. Rev. 209 (2009).

Cecchi Dimeglio P. “Negotiation in International Franchise Contracts: A gender perspective”, Center for Law & Governance, VU Amsterdam University Press, 2010, p.40-65

Subramanian, Guhan. “A New Era for Raiders.” Harvard Business Review 88, no. 11 (November 2010): 34.

Susskind, L.E. and Field, P. (2010) Dealing with an Angry Public: The Mutual Gains Approach To Resolving Disputes   New York:  Free Press.

Subramanian, Guhan. “Negotiation? Auction? A Deal Maker’s Guide.” Harvard Business Review 87, no. 12 (December 2009).

Cecchi Dimeglio P. “Beyond Traditional Analysis of International Franchise Contracts”, Montpellier: Montpellier University Press, 2008

Movius, H. and Maxfield, A. (2008).  A unified policy for negotiations.  Inside Supply Management,June 2008.

Cecchi Dimeglio P. “Role of ADR in Cross-cultural Negotiation: Example of International Franchise Contracts’’, Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Special Workshops publication, 2007, p.292-294

Fairman, D., Field, P, and Movius, H. (2007).  The Negotiator’s Fieldbook:  the virtues and limits of a kaleidoscope.  Negotiation Journal, July343-354.

Movius, H. (2007).  When individual bargaining skills are not enough.  Negotiation Newsletter,March, 2007. Cambridge , MA:  Harvard-MIT Program on Negotiation.

Fairman, D. “Resolving Public Conflicts in Developing Countries: From Experiments to Institutions,” Dispute Resolution Magazine, Spring, 2006.

Movius, H., Matsuura, M., Yan, J., and Kim, D-Y. (2006).  Tailoring the mutual gains approach to negotiation for counterparts in Japan, China, and Korea.  Negotiation Journal, 22, 389-435.

Subramanian, Guhan. “Fixing Freezeouts.” Yale Law Journal 115, no. 1 (October 2005).

Coates, John C., IV, and Guhan Subramanian. “A Buy-Side Model of M&A Lockups: Theory and Evidence.” Stanford Law Review 53, no. 2 (November 2000).

Leaders and Organizations

Movius, H. and Susskind, L.E. (2009) Built to Win: Creating A World Class Negotiating Organization.  Cambridge:  Harvard Business Press.

Lubar, K. and Halpern, B.L. (2004) Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate, and

Inspire”  Gotham Press.

Susskind, L.E. and Field, P. (2010) Dealing with an Angry Public: The Mutual Gains Approach To Resolving Disputes   New York:  Free Press.

Haidt, J. (2014). Can you teach businessmen to be ethical? Washington Post, 1/13/14.

Kluver, J., Frazier, R., & Haidt, J. (2014). Behavioral ethics for Homo economicus, Homo heuristicus, and Homo duplex.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123, 150-158.

Graham, J., Haidt, J., Koleva, S., Motyl, M., Iyer, R., Wojcik, S., & Ditto, P. H. (2013). Moral foundations theory: The pragmatic validity of moral pluralism. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 47, p. 55-130.

Self-Management and Relationships

Allen, J. P., Chango, J. M., & Szwedo, D. E. (2014).  The relational dialectic in adolescence and the roots of adult social competence.  Child Development, 85, 192-204.

Coan, J.A. & Maresh, E.L. (2014). Social baseline theory and the social regulation of emotion. In J. Gross (Ed.) The Handbook of Emotion Regulation, 2nd Edition (pp. 221-236). New York: The Guilford Press.

Payne, J.D., Chambers, A., & Kensinger, E.A. (2012). Sleep Promotes Lasting Changes in Selective Memory for Emotional Scenes. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 6(108).

Graber, E. C., Laurenceau, J-P., Miga, E., Chango, J. M., & Coan, J. A. (2011).  Conflict and love: Predicting newlywed marital outcomes from two interaction contexts.  Journal of FamilyPsychology, 25, 541-550.

Payne, J.D. (2011). Sleep on it: Stabilizing and transforming memories during sleep. Nature Neuroscience, 14(3), 272-274.

Payne, J.D. & Kensinger, E.A (2011). Sleep leads to qualitative changes in the emotional memory trace: Evidence from fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,23(6), 1285-1297.

Chango, J. M., McElhaney, K. B., & Allen, J. P. (2009).  Attachment organization and patterns of conflict resolution in friendships predicting adolescents depressive symptoms over time.  Attachment and Human Development, 11, 331- 346.

Algoe, S., & Haidt, J., & Gable, S. (2008). Beyond reciprocity: Gratitude and relationships in everyday life. Emotion, 8, 425-429.

Coan, J. A., & Gottman, J. M. (2007). The specific affect (SPAFF) coding system. In J. A. Coan and J. J. B. Allen (Eds.) Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment (pp. 106-123), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Coan, J. A., Schaefer, H. S. & Davidson, R. J. (2006). Lending a hand: Social regulation of the neural response to threat. Psychological Science, 17, 1032-1039.

Haidt, J. (2006). The happiness hypothesis: Finding modern truth in ancient wisdom. New York : Basic Books.

Movius, H.L. and Allen, J.J.B. (2005)  Cardiac vagal tone, defensiveness, and motivational style. Biological Psychology, 68, 147-162.

Coan, J. A. & Allen, J. J. B. (2003). Varieties of emotional experience during voluntary emotional facial expressions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1000, 375-379.

Allen, J.J.B., Vrana, S.R., Peasley-Miklus, C., Chambers, A.S., Movius, H.L. (2001).  The many metrics of cardiac chronotropy.  Psychophysiology, 38, S20.

Gottman, J.M., Coan, J.A., Carrere, S., & Swanson, C. (1998). Predicting marital happiness and stability from newlywed interactions. Journal of Marriage and Family, 60, 5-22.

Psychological Science

 Movius, H.L. and Allen, J.J.B. (2005)  Cardiac vagal tone, defensiveness, and motivational style.  Biological Psychology, 68, 147-162.

Allen, J.J.B., Vrana, S.R., Peasley-Miklus, C., Chambers, A.S., Movius, H.L. (2001).  The many metrics of cardiac chronotropy.  Psychophysiology, 38, S20.

Allen, J.J.B., and Movius, H.L. (2000).  The objective assessment of amnesia in dissociative identity disorder using event-related potentials.  International Journal of Psychophysiology, 38, 21-41.